Stand Up Paddling Berlin at the beautiful lake Schlachtensee

SUP Schlachtensee


Stand Up Paddling: a long board, a sort of long surfboard and a paddle and you are ready to ride and easy gliding on the SUP (stand-up paddling board). This sport, which is accessible for everyone, offers an exceptional fitness dimension for the muscles in the adomen and lumbar region and additionally trains the thigh and gluteal muscles.

Our service for you

Our most important goal is to inspire you! We would like to inspire you for the trend sport Stand Up Paddling, for the proximity to nature and the water. Our focus is clearly on SUP as a recreational sport and less on the equally existing perfomance segment,

Game, fun and joy are our main concerns!

Our offer is explicitly aimed for people of all ages – from the youngest to schoolchildren, adults and silver surfers. It is only important that you are physically fit & healthy and that you can swim.

Where to find us

Come and discover the beautiful Schlachtensee in Berlin Zehlendorf. You can easliy book your board via Our rental station is close to the famous restaurant Fischerhütte. Take also a look at our Facebook page!



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